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Fund ownership and segregation 

Last modification: 15 November 2022


SwissBorg users retain ownership over their funds (cryptos and fiat) at all times.

Wallet security

Non-custodial wallets come with their own risks, including hacks and phishing, with no way to recover assets. In addition, the private key management can be challenging and lead to assets being permanently lost. We offer the best of both CeFi and DeFi. SwissBorg uses MPC keyless technology and advanced cryptography for the security of both your assets and personal data with one of the largest custody providers in the world: Fireblocks.

Banking partners

SwissBorg has partnered with licensed banks to ensure the security of the fiat funds you transfer to our App. 

Assets segregation

On top of being financially healthy, as a regulated Virtual Asset Service Provider, we are required to keep 100% of users’ funds (crypto and fiat) fully segregated from our own corporate treasury at all times.